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Returns & Cancellation

Right to cancel 
You are entitled to cancel this contract within fourteen days without specifying a reason. The cancellation term is fourteen days from the day you or a third party assigned by you other than the carrier accepted the goods. To exercise your right to cancel, simply notify us, Health & Vitamins, Tobias Rottau, Sternbuschweg 213, 47057 Duisburg, Germany, Tel. 0203 363 969 55, Fax 0203 348 788 41, e-mail, in a clear statement (e.g. posted letter, fax or e-mail) about your decision to cancel this contract. The cancellation term is met by sending your notice of exercising your right to cancel prior to expiry of the cancellation term.

Consequences of cancellation 
If you decide to cancel this contract, we must promptly refund all payments from you, including shipping costs (except additional costs from choosing a different type of delivery than the low cost standard delivery offered by us) within fourteen days from the date we received your notice of cancellation of contract. Payments will be refunded using the same payment method used in the original transaction unless otherwise agreed. You will never be charged for the refund. We are entitled to refuse the refund until the goods have been received or you have submitted evidence the goods have been returned, whichever is earlier. The goods must be returned or delivered to us promptly, in any case within fourteen days from the date of your cancellation notice,
to Health & Vitamins, Tobias Rottau, Sternbuschweg 213, 47057 Duisburg, Germany. This deadline is met by sending the goods prior to expiry of the fourteen day period. The direct costs for returning the goods are payable by you. You are only responsible for any depreciation of goods if this depreciation is due to handling the goods in a manner not required to inspect the quality, characteristics and functionality of goods.